I am an experienced education researcher based in New Jersey. I have a decade of experience in the education field, ranging from conducting education research and managing research teams to teaching and advocacy.
I study education leadership as well as programs designed to improve the educational experiences of students from historically underserved backgrounds. I am especially curious about how people interact within and with educational organizations. My research interests include:
PublicationsI have published journal articles and policy briefs on topics including:
Feel free to peruse my writing using the links below: |
I infuse heart and mind into everything I do.
01Center StudentsStudents are at the center of my work, whether it is in teaching, recruiting teachers, or researching programs and practices to improve students' access to exceptional education. I aim to support students to lead their own educational journeys.
02Think in SystemsEducational institutions are complex, requiring an understanding of their structures and resources, as well as the social dynamics that make them tick. Whether organizing a classroom or examining policies, I focus on systems from top to bottom.
03Spread JoyI believe learning and working should be joyous and exciting. I strive to bring joy to my students, colleagues, and clients each day through all of our interactions, whether virtual or in person.
Some of my research over the last 7+ years includes...
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